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Fish Friers

Nominations for EC^s and Officials 2013

Article Date: 2013-01-22

Are you passionate about fish and chips and interested in getting more involved with the work of the NFFF? Do you have strong views or opinions on how fish friers can be supported to cope with the many challenges and issues they face in the industry today? Do you think you can do better than the NFFF does to help todays’ fish friers?

If you have answered YES to any of the questions above, then it’s time to talk to us and to tell us what you would like to do if you were elected to the NFFF Executive Council.

For more information about any aspect of the role or the work of the NFFF EC members, please contact Denise Dodd initially on 0113 230 7044, by email at, or by writing to New Federation House, 4 Greenwood Mount, Meanwood, Leeds, LS6 4LQ.  

All enquiries will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Fish Friers