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Fish Friers

ifish4chips Update

Article Date: 2012-10-18

ifish4chips the NFFF^s smartphone app has been approved by Apple and is available for download from the itunes store. This is a soft launch and we are still testing the functionality. Not all data has been added and we are in the process of validating all the records before we upload any additional shop details

A high percentage of NFFF members have not yet responded to the call for action to verify their details and will receive a reminder and final reminder along with their copy of Issue 7 of the Fish Friers Review, which is due out on 18th October.

The main launch and PR campaign will go ahead when we are happy that all the records are correct, and this has been scheduled in for Issue 8 of the Fish Friers Review which is due out on 29th November 2012 . At that stage everyone will be fully informed about the app.

If you want to be on the app we need your details!

Please complete and return the form asap. You can also e-mail a picture to use for your app entry to specifying your membership number and completing the e-mail subject line as: ifishforchips, member picture.

If you have any further questions about ifish4chips please don^t hesitate to contact the NFFF on 0113 230 7044 and we^d be happy to help.

Fish Friers