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Fish Friers

HRH Prince Charles Meets NFFF & Young Friers & Pledges ^Fish & Chips Forever^!

Article Date: 2012-11-15

On Tuesday 8th May HRH Prince Charles met with senior representatives from the NFFF and the fish and chip industry to announce a pledge to promote the use of sustainable fish in the Nations fish and chip shops.

Frying sustainably caught Scottish MSC Haddock with current Young Fish Frier of the Year Zohaib Hussain and runner-up Carlyn Johnson, during the discussions, HRH Prince Charles agreed with NFFF president Gregg Howard to establish a Responsible Sourcing Code, which will be promoted to all fish and chip shops throughout the UK to help ensure that the fish being served has come from well-managed sustainable fisheries.

Having hit the media some of the headlines have been slightly manipulated to be a bit more eye-catching, but the underlying message is still that the NFFF is committed, with support from the International Sustainability Unit and Marine Stewardship Council to help the industry promote the message of sustainability. This new Royal alliance will undoubtedly provide a great PR platform for the industry and strength then the message.

Follow the links to see where we have hit the headlines:-
Sky News CNN The Daily Telegraph The Daily Express The Daily Mirror Daily Mail The Scotsman WPTZ (Vermont USA)

Fish Friers