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Fish Friers

Richard Wardell Fact File

Article Date: 2014-12-01

Name: Richard Wardell

Age: 42 years

Location: Wakefield

Previous Experience: Sainsbury’s and Seafish

Years in the Industry: 11 years with Seafish

Why the NFFF: An independent trade organisation with a dedicated training school and scope to offer further training solutions to the fish frying industry.

What can you bring to NFFF training school: During my time at Seafish, I developed a lot of good working relationships with people in the fish frying industry and in life you need this ability to succeed. These working relationships were acquired by working in collaboration with the NFFF when creating the Fish Frying Skills and Customer Service Skills qualifications and by attending trade exhibitions. I also improved my knowledge of the fish and chip industry by judging various awards for the National Fish & Chip Awards including the Staff Training & Development Award. I am also motivated to support individuals in this industry and I’m willing to learn new skills myself.

Do you prefer cod or haddock: I love eating most species of seafood which includes cod or haddock accompanied with chips.

What is your first memory of fish and chips: As a child, the regular Saturday lunchtime meal with my family was fish and chips. I believe that the small shop that we used to buy them from is still trading as a fish and chip shop. I think it’s now called Utley Fisheries in Keighley, West Yorkshire.

What is your prediction for the fish and chip industry: I believe that the standards will continue to rise in terms of product quality and customer service. More and more business owners understand the importance of sourcing good quality, sustainable produce and the positive impact effective staff training has on the profitability of their businesses. The industry will continue to become more professional.

Fish Friers