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Fish Friers

British Takeaway Campaign welcomes Prime Minister’s scrapping of EU settlement fee

Article Date: 2019-01-22

Welcoming the Prime Minister’s announcement of the scrapping of the EU settled status registration fee, Chair of the British Takeaway Campaign Ibrahim Dogus said:

"The British Takeaway Campaign welcomes today’s announcement that the £65 settled status registration fee is to be scrapped.

"This will go some way to reassure EU nationals working in the takeaway sector that their concerns regarding their future in the UK post-Brexit have been heeded.

"However more can be done, which is why we are calling for a transition period that gives sufficient time to allow for the training of domestic workers, as well as the revision of the Shortage Occupation List to revoke the arbitrary ‘takeaway clause’ that states specialist chefs are only allowed to work in restaurants which do not have a takeaway function.”

Fish Friers